Balemaker redesign its website

Balemaker redesign its website

Balemaker has redesigned its website. The new website has more intuitive design, better user experience and easy to navigate. The new designs of the website also incorporate more attractive house designs and plans. The new website also contained one page information in the homepage and you can start link to the more details straight away. A straight away approach and efficient.

The homepage will welcome you with sliders at the size of your computer screen, to have the visitor’s idea the details of our plan and designs.

Scrolling down on the first section will have the profile of the company, link of that section will take to the profile of the company and the staffs.


The design page now easier to reach than ever, a shortcut blocks are visible at the homepage and with a single click will bring to inidividual house plan page, with the details and information.


The Designs and Plans page now easier than ever


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  • Posted by Peter Delahunty