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You guys did it again! She withstood Cat 3 hurricane Irene, enduring 120mph winds with gusts up to 150 mph. Not a scrap of damage was to found, we are so relieved & thankful. Please share the good news with the whole crew. Relieved & happy to now have a new marketing direction for the islands
Michelle Rickman, Brazil Mist MR House-Long Island Bahamas
This is truly an amazing house I cant believe the work your building company has put into this, I just cant thank you enough. Its like a big piece of furniture, the whole house is just beautiful. Phyllis and I love living in this so much. If we can ever reckomend you or your company for another client please dont hesitate to ask because what you have done for us is really wonderful!
Randy Schwarting- Sulawesi Breeze House – Kauai Hawaii
Excellent quality hardwood residence, with 2BR, 2BA, 15’Lanai breakfast bar, 608 SF covered deck& 2,378 SF of below dwelling patio area. Quality of residence is on par with larger multi million $ homes. Improvements are in new condition and are of the finest craftsmanship
Island Wide Appraisers LLC, Big Island Hawaii
There are other so called Bali Homes, but Balemaker are something completely different. Such is the level of craftsmanship is that they come out like big pieces of finely fished furniture, not at all like everything else coming out of Bali. There is no other choice, if you want to buy a home from Bali deal with Balemaker.
Bruce Brown Constructions LLC Big Island Hawaii
CEO / Manager“Aloha I am glad that business is treating you well, your quality and attention to detail has made a difference with our home, please read for yourself, the appraisal of the house, simply amazing”
Lisa Maas, Client, – Kapoho House Big Island, Hawaii
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