Project Description

BaleMaker constructed this beautiful one bedroom Guest House, The Brazil Mist II MR model, for our clients on Long Island in the Bahamas, Michelle Rickman & Jason Whitaker. Being the Bahamas, the house had to be built and rated in accordance with the Miami Dade County building codes and be therefore able to be hurricane resistant. The house was put to the test in August, 2011 when Hurricane Irene tore through the Bahamas and east coast of the United States , We are proud to say not only did the house stand up to the full brunt of the hurricane but came through completely unscathed whilst homes in the surrounding area were completely demolished.

Given the success of this first home in the region and the ensuing request for our homes in the region we have recently appointed Michelle Rickman to be our representative in the West Indies region. Michelle is from a good building background and has also been fully trained in Bale Makers building designs and systems.

Project Details